Norponin® Opti contributes to the management of ammonia emissions in fattening pigs

The negative effects of coccidiosis on Gut Health Health in general and gut health more specifically, are important pillars of animal welfare. Gut health can be negatively affected in broiler chickens by coccidiosis. To limit the effect of this disease, coccidiostats have been used with success for decades. However, resistance is a side effect of …

Nor-Mite®: In-feed repellent to contribute to the control of red mite populations in poultry breeding

Resistant and invading parasites: Red Mites Red mites are ectoparasites that live at the expense of laying hens. Their presence in laying farms has deleterious economic and health consequences. Their short life cycle and ability to survive without eating enable poultry red mites to proliferate, which makes them particularly difficult to remove from farms. Resistance …

Standardized Natural Citrus Extract supplementation influences sows’ microbiota welfare and piglets’ performances

Publication of a Peer Review Article In 2020, Doctor Sekhou Cisse (Nor-Feed, R&D Team) published a peer review article, in Transnational Animal Science journal, about the effect of the Standardized Natural Citrus Extract (SNCE; Nor-Spice AB®, Nor-Feed SAS, France) on the microbiota of the sows and on the weight gain of their piglets. Fifty sows …

Effects of Nor-Grape® supplementation in late gestating sows in a hot climate

Detrimental effects of heat stress in Livestocks Heat stress has detrimental effects in livestock. Excessive thermal stress around parturition can have detrimental effects on reproduction success and litter growth in swine. Antioxidants are commonly used in various species to limit oxidative stress caused by excess environmental heat. Grape polyphenols have been extensively studied for the …

Interest of stimulating endogenous butyrate production

What is Butyrate? Since the ban of 2006 on antimicrobial growth promotors (AGPs), the animal feed industry has been focusing on alternative strategies to improve gut health. In addition, to absorb nutrients the intestinal tract plays a key role in pathogen control and immune defenses, as long as its integrity is preserved. Butyrate is a …

Light intensity increases feather pecking in laying hens

What are the causes of Feather pecking Feather pecking is a common social behavior in commercial laying hens. Various factors lead to feather pecking such as: environment, stocking density, hen genetic, and nutrition. Feather pecking is also linked to social behavior, as birds tend to imitate each other quickly, leading to a general pecking behavior …

Polyphenols and antioxidant defenses: Nor-Grape® 80

What are Polyphenols? Polyphenols exist in a majority of plants, but not all of them have the same properties. This broad classification is displayed in various categories such as phenolic acids, stilbenes, flavonoids and lignans for which there are other subcategories. Therefore, the profiles of polyphenols and their associated properties differ greatly between those encountered …

Norponin® XO as efficient as fermentation coccidiostats for contributing to coccidial risk management

A major challenge for poultry productions: Coccidial risk Coccidial risk is a major challenge for poultry industry. Natural solutions based on extracted and selected saponins are good candidates to contribute to coccidial risk management.  After years of careful studies, Nor-Feed developed a saponin-based solution to contribute to coccidial risk management. The study below illustrate the interest …

Saponin-Rich Plant Premixture Supplementation is As Efficient as Ionophore Monensin

A new peer-review article on the interest of Selected saponins for coccidial risk management Nor-Feed, as a leading specialist of botanicals for animal nutrition, is glad to share a new peer-review article on the interest of selected saponins for coccidiosis, published in the journal Frontiers in Veterinary science. In the plant kingdom, there are more …