Nor-Feed joins forces with Adisseo Group

A new milestone and A step forward for our team The Nor-Feed team, which now has over 40 collaborators, is delighted to have joined forces with Adisseo, a trusted industry player that will foster Nor-Feed’s business development. After 20 years of activity in the botanicals market, Nor-Feed embarks on an exciting journey, relying on Adisseo’s …

Effect of a Citrus extract on the microbiota and well-being of sows around farrowing

At the Journées de la Recherche Porcine (JRP) 2023 in Paris, Dr. Sekhou Cissé, R&D product manager at Nor-Feed, presented a poster on the evaluation of the effect of a standardized Citrus extract on the intestinal microbiota and welfare of sows around farrowing, under commercial farming conditions. Farrowing A critical period for sows The farrowing …

Testing properties and biological activities of saponins

In 2022, Maxime Le Bot (Nor-Feed/FeedInTech) published new data on testing properties and biological activities of saponins during the 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA), in August 28 – 31, 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece. What are Saponins? In fact, saponins are complex secondary metabolites …

An accurate, cost-effective and simple colorimetric method for the quantification of saponins

Maxime Le Bot, FeedInTech Analysis Specialist, has recently written an article published in Food Chemistry, a recognized scientific peer-review journal, with the collaboration of the SONAS laboratory and the FeedInTech joint-lab, about an accurate, cost-effective, and simple colorimetric method to quantify saponins from plant materials. What are Saponins? Saponins are a family of molecules found …

Resistant capacity of the encapsulated grape extract during ruminal fermentation: an Ex-vitro study

Last August 2022, in Thessaloniki (Greece) Doctor Bui (DVM, Nor-Feed R&D team) shared new data obtained with our encapsulated grape extract during the 70th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural product research (GA). Rumen-by-pass formula of Nor-Grape® to protect active molecules from Ruminal retention Natural grape extract constituted …

Improving colostrum quality in cows

Colostrum quality and Oxidative stress During the peripartum period, the massive modulation in metabolism, physiology, immunity, etc., frequently generates the overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes oxidative stress [1]. The negative correlation between maternal oxidative imbalance and quality of colostrum has been confirmed by several studies. Some studies have shown that the supplementation …

Nor-Feed at the World Aquaculture Society 2022

Nor-Feed presents its latest news about Nor-Grape® for aquaculture   Nor-Feed was at the World Aquaculture Society in Singapore, represented by Dr. Paul Engler. We had the opportunity to present our latest results regarding Nor-Grape®, our grape extract standardized in polyphenols to compensate oxidative stress, and its use in aquaculture. Don’t hesitate to contact us …

Nor-Feed at Eurotier 2022

Nor-Feed at MacDonald’s AgriTour Nor-Feed is proud to have participated in the McDonald’s AgriTour in Roanne. This event gathered the main actors of McDonald’s partner chains as part of the 2030 Sustainable Chain strategy of McDonald’s France. Many topics were discussed, including animal welfare. Nor-Feed was selected by McDonald’s to participate in these rich and …