
Low Carbon Agriculture Consortium : a webinar on reducing the carbon footprint of dairy farms

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A webinar organized by the consortium

Low Carbon Agriculture

Last Thursday, Nor-Feed co-hosted a webinar with Valorex, MG2MIX, Lallemand and Eco-sens on “How to control and reduce the carbon footprint of dairy cows”. The webinar was an initiative of the Low Carbon Agriculture Consortium, of which the organizing companies are members. This consortium aims to promote a broad and coherent international offering of French products and services that reduce the carbon footprint of crop and livestock production. The webinar was open to the public, and in particular to the various upstream and downstream players in the international dairy industry.

Decarbonation in livestock farming:

A joint mission

The decarbonization of livestock farming is a major and growing challenge that the animal production sector has been facing since the beginning of the 21st century. To meet this challenge, industry players need reliable tools that can be easily implemented in the field to measure emission levels, as well as appropriate and effective solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of livestock farms.

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Adapted tools and solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of

Dairy cows

Cattle are one of the main species concerned by the various reports regarding greenhouse gases emitted by livestock farming. In fact, they are responsible for over 50% of the industry’s greenhouse gases. The complementary approaches of French players Valorex, MG2MIX, Lallemand, Eco-sens and Nor-Feed were presented during this webinar. The various tools for measuring emissions and solutions acting at different levels provide a comprehensive approach to limiting emissions on cattle farms, particularly for dairy cows. This webinar was therefore the ideal opportunity to learn more about these tools and solutions, how they work and how effective they are in the field.

Couldn’t attend? Send us a message to access the replay!