Our Partners Meeting 2021 in Angers, France

Partners Meeting 2021 Un réel succès ! From September 8th to September 10th we had the latest edition of our Partners Meeting in Angers, France. We had the chance To gather 60 partners from around the globe and Nor-Feed collaborators to exchange about botanicals and the best practices in the field for animal nutrition and health. Our partners also participated …

Grape Polyphenols: An ally to fight heat stress

Consider the Antioxidant system Antioxidant diversification is essential to improve heat stress resilience and tackle the oxidative stress issue. In livestock, certain polyphenols from grape extracts allow to preserve a high level of performance and help combat the negative effects of heat stress. Looking at the metabolism of livestock animals, they all share a very …

Full Success for Nor-Feed 2019 Partners Meeting

Back to the 2019 Nor-Feed Partners Meeting images, our annuel rendez-vous with our partners and distributors. We had the chance to gather around 60 people from Nor-Feed and its partners, in the beautiful city of Munich. 2 days full of exchanges, Science & emotions. Thank you all! Other news Actualités Améliorer l’utilisation des pigments chez …

A very busy booth at VIV Asia 2019!

Here is a quick photo reportage on our participation to the VIV Asia 2019, in Bangkok, Thailand Other news Actualités Améliorer l’utilisation des pigments chez la volaille 27/09 Actualités Des extraits naturels d’agrumes pour moduler le microbiote des truies et permettre une meilleure prise de poids des porcelets 16/09 Actualités Notre Partners Meeting 2022 à Querétaro, Mexique 15/05 …

Nor-Feed presents two posters at CLANA 2018 (Brazil)

Le CLANA 2018 (Congreso Latino-Americano de Nutriçao Animal) se tient du 16 au 18 octobre 2018 à Sao-Paulo au Brésil. L’évènement, organisé par le CBNA (Collège Brésilien de Nutrition Animale), abordera notamment les questions d’élevage en volaille, ruminants et la qualité des aliments.

Nor-Feed and the SONAS launch FeedInTech, their Joint laboratory

10 years of Collaboration FeedInTech is a Joint Lab created by Nor-Feed, specialized in the development, production and sales of plant-based feed additives and the SONAS, a research unit of the Angers University, dedicated to the Research on natural molecules for therapeutic applications. FeedInTech aims at developing a precision animal nutrition by connecting human the resources, know-how and cutting-edge research …

Nor-Grape 80®: a key-additive to unlock performances in shrimp

Antioxidant solution for shrimp production Nor-Grape80® Angers, 16 January 2018: Nor-Feed’s dry grape extract, Nor-Grape 80® is an advanced antioxidant solution for shrimps during the starter period, when associated to vitamin E, according to a recent trial carried out in Taiwan. Shrimp is a major production in aquaculture. Mainly raised in 50 countries, its production ranks …