Are combined treatments the best strategy for
poultry red mite management?
Should the fight against poultry red mites go through a combination of treatments? The Belgian Experimental Poultry Center tried to answer this question through a large-scale trial in order to measure the effect of a strategy combining three types of treatment: predatory mites, acaricides and a plant-based feed supplementation. This trial included 31,000 laying hens divided in 12 compartments equipped with enriched cages. Each compartment also included one or two aviary rows.
The methodology and
results obtained
Four treatments combinations were tested:
1. Predatory mites + amitraz;
2. Predatory mites + amitraz + plant-based supplementation;
3. Predatorymites + milbemectin;
4. Predatory mites + milbemectin + plant-based supplementation.
Two types of predatory mites were released in the housing: Androlaelaps casalis and Cheyletus eruditus.
The populations of poultry red mites were significantly reduced with this triptych: predatory mites / acaricides / plant-based feed supplementation. A similar tendency is observed amongst the aviary rows without being statistically significant. As a sign of the red mites’ high resistance, the infestation returns to its previous level after treatments were stopped. Overall, the effect was not sufficient to totally eradicate the poultry red mites, regardless of the laying hens housing sector.
The combination of the three types of treatment, predatory mites, locally applied acaricides and plant-based feed supplementation is a practical and promising solution. However, this experimental approach needs to be completed by other combinations and evaluated within an industrial environment. Eventually, the poultry red mite eradication cannot be conceived without implementing good practices aiming at stopping upstream its introduction and its spreading inside the building.
Sources: The potential of an integrated PRM (poultry redmite) strategy in practice; Nathalie Sleeckx, Ine Kempen and Johan Zoons ; Experimental Poultry Centre, Belgium.

Measuring the efficacy of an essential oil-based feed additive for controlling
poultry red mite populations
A trial was carried out, sometimes under extreme conditions (temperature and hygrometry favorable to the red mites’ quick growth), in tree countries (France, Portugal and the United-Kingdom) with different climates.
According to these different trials, 14 in total (approx. 487 000 laying hens), the red mites population decreased by between 37 and 88%.

Complementary feed with aromatic compounds
Nor-Mite® is a complementary feed with natural aromatic compounds developed by Nor-Feed.